Matthew and Son
Tony Gosling had previously played in The Aces and the Small Four. The Small Four had one single release in 1966 with Pye records. Gosling went onto write and perform as a solo artist (see entry) with Rick Kemp and Steve Trice (ex-Small Four).
NB. Mick Ronson had previously cut the Gosling family's grass for the local council before joining The Rats.
Information kindly supplied by Tony Gosling (03/10/2011).
Steve Powell had previously played guitar with ABC (see entry).
It Lurks Everywhere was written by an Asian doctor (name unknown) who worked at the local hospital in Hull circa 1968. The doctor held private ambitions to become a known songwriter and gave this song to Matthew and Son whom he had seen performing in the local clubs. Matthew and Son were mainly a variety act performing covers on the cabaret curcuit.
Steve Powell (keyboard), Tony Gosling (guitar), Dave Morris (drums), Johnny Paterson (bass guitar), Steve Trice (guitar).
Copyright Notices
Information knidly supplied by Steve Powell.
Copyright Tony Gosling, Johnny Paterson and Steve Powell. 2011.
Very special thanks to Steve Powell, Tony Gosling, Johnny Paterson. 2011.