
Herbal Remedy

Herbal Remedy




Formed in Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, October, 1967. I (Who Have Nothing) had recently been a hit for Shirley Bassey. Herbal Remedy's version was recorded in a garden shed*. It was an 'Alvares' studio production. Herbal Remedy later auditioned for EMI with a version of The Beatles' Ob La Di Ob La Da, but failed to gain a recording contract.

After the departure of drummer, Herbie Sparks, the band stayed on as Remedy, but split shortly after.

Ian Adamson re-appeared in 1971 with Muffin (see entry).

NB. * Other suburban garden sheds were converted into or used as independent recording studios around this time. People such as Bob Potter recorded many bands from Southampton and Portsmouth in his shed in Surrey in the mid to late sixties. Bob Potter later went on to open the famous Lakeside country club which regularly features the British Darts championships. Music producer, Pierre Tubbs also converted his garden shed in Dorking, Surrey, into a recording studio. It was there that he recorded early incarnations of bands such as John's Children and his own band The Jeeps (see entry) and Our Plastic Dream.


 Robert 'Jab' Als (guitar), Ian Little (guitar), Ian Adamson (bass guitar), Herbie Sparks (drums), Dave Young, Mick Kidd (vocal).



Copyright Notices

Very special thanks to Ian Adamson, Robert 'Jab' Als, David Wells.

All recorded and photographic material copyright Ian Adamson. 2011.